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[康复训练] 上身拉伸训练

发表于 2012-1-15 10:18:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Illustrated stretching exercisesConvenient upper body routine relieves muscular tension.Our illustrated stretching exercises will help improve the flexibility of your neck, shoulders and arms. You can follow this routine every day to help relieve stress and tension from long hours reading, studying or working at your desk.
Hold each stretch up to 10 seconds and repeat 3 times.

#1 Chest and side
Place both hands behind your head with your fingers interlocked. Sit upright and expand your chest. Point your elbows out--try to get them in line with your ears. Next, side tilt your neck and back to the L for a R side stretch, then tilt to the R for a L side stretch. Follow an even curve through the spine as shown, stretching both your neck and your sides.
Maintain good posture throughout the exercise. Hold 3-5 seconds.

#2 Shoulder

Cross your arms behind your back with your L hand on top. Then lift your chest and tighten your abdominals so that you feel the stretch in the front of both shoulders. Repeat 3 times and then switch arms so that the R hand is on top. Hold 3-5 seconds.

#3 TricepsReach your L arm overhead with the elbow bent. Grab your L elbow with R hand, then gently push L elbow back to stretch the back of the upper L arm. Hold 3-5 seconds. Repeat on the opposite side.

#4 Forearm
Make a loose fist with your L hand and straighen your arm. Stretch your L hand toward the floor. Hold 3-5 seconds.

Need to loosen up your back too? For more illustrated stretching exercises, see our back and hip stretching routine.

Healthy muscles need strengthening exercises and cardio too. See our full selection of workouts.

#5 Waiter

Reach both arms overhead in a V shape. Hold your palms facing the ceiling as if you’re holding a tray in each hand. Hold 3-5 seconds.

#6 Kneeling biceps

Kneel about 12-18 inches in front of a sturdy chair or couch. (Place a folded towel under your knees) Reach both hands back to the chair with palms facing down.Activate your abdominals and lift your chest until you feel a stretch in both biceps muscles. You may also feel a good stretch for your abdominal muscles with this exercise. Hold 5 seconds, bend forward to release the stretch, then repeat.

#7 Upper Trap
Grab your L arm behind your back and gently pull it downward as you tilt your head to the right. Repeat on the other side.

#8 Neck and back
Cross your R arm over your L, touching your palms together. Reach over the side of your L leg. Then look down and bend forward, turning to the L. Repeat on the other side.

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发表于 2012-1-29 23:58:03

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