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acsm 心肺耐力训练指南

发表于 2012-1-12 20:54:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
ACSM Cardiorespiratory Training Guidelines
• 3 basic components to any exercise conditioning session are warm-up,
conditioning stimulus, & cool-down
• Warm-up & cool-down performed at approximately 50% of stimulus
intensity (hold conversation without much difficulty)
• Warm-up & cool-down may take 5-15 minutes, depending on age & fitness
• Accumulate 30 minutes or more of moderate-intensity physical activity
on most days of the week (intermittent activities have same health
benefits as continuous activities)
• Frequency: 3-5 days a week
• Intensity: 50-85% of heart rate maximum (220 - age x .50 to .85) or 60-
80% heart rate reserve (220 – age - resting heart rate x .60 to .80 + resting
heart rate)
• Time: 20-60 or more minutes per session, continuous or intermittent activity
• Type: Aerobic (run, brisk walk, swim, cross-country ski, dance, elliptical
trainer) Ask fitness expert how to operate equipment with which you are
unfamiliar and follow all safety procedures for each activity
• Enjoyment: preferably enjoyable aerobic activities
• 3 stages of Cardiorespiratory training: Initial, Improvement, Maintenance
(See Cardiorespiratory Fitness Prescription Outline)
• Progression of both intensity and duration in a single session is not
recommended. Increase the duration first before increasing the intensity.
If you can complete an exercise session at the upper level of frequency and
duration for 2 weeks without signs of excessive fatigue, progress to the
next level
• If training is discontinued, gains in fitness regress by approximately
50% within 4-12 weeks
• For weight management, frequent, enjoyable exercise periods of low to
moderate intensity and relatively long duration result in the largest weekly
caloric expenditures
• Stay within your heart rate range. Monitor through a heart rate monitor
or manually (carotid artery on neck or radial artery on thumb side of wrist)
Cardiovascular Exercise Prescription
Intensity of Exercise
1. Estimate your own maximal heart rate (MHR)
MHR= 220 minus age (220 – age)
MHR= 220 - _____________ = _______ bpm
2. Resting Heart Rate (RHR) = ________ bpm
3. Heart Rate Reserve (HRR) = MHR – RHR
HRR = _______ - _______ = _______ beats
4. Training Intensities (TI) = HRR x TI + RHR
60% TI = ______ x .60 + ______ = _______ bpm
70% TI = ______ x .70 + ______ = _______ bpm
85% TI = ______ X .85 + ______ = _______ bpm
5. Cardiovascular Training Zone. The optimum cardiovascular training zone is
found between the 70 and 85 percent training intensities. However,
individuals who have been physically inactive or are in the poor or fair
cardiovascular fitness categories should use a 40-50% training intensity
during the first few weeks of the exercise program.
Cardiovascular Training Zone: _______ (70% TI) to _______ (85% TI)
Training Progression for the Apparently Healthy Participant
Week Exercise
(% HRR)
Initial Stage 1 3 40-50 15-20
2 3-4 40-50 20-25
3 3-4 50-60 20-25
4 3-4 50-60 25-30
5-7 3-4 60-70 25-30
8-10 3-4 60-70 30-35
11-13 3-4 65-75 30-35
14-16 3-5 65-75 30-35
17-20 3-5 70-85 35-40
21-24 3-5 70-85 35-40
24+ 3-5 70-85 30-45
Rate of Progression
The recommended rate of progression in an exercise conditioning program
depends on the functional capacity, medical health status, age, individual
activity preferences and goals, and an individual’s tolerance to the current
level of training. For apparently healthy adults, the endurance aspect of the
exercise prescription has three stages of progression: initial, improvement,
and maintenance. Exercise professionals should recognize that recent
physical activity recommendations from the ACSM/CDC and the Surgeon
General include 30 minutes of moderate physical activity on most, if not all,
days of the week. While some apparently healthy but sedentary individuals
may not be able to attain this initial level of activity, they should be
encouraged to progress to this goal during the first few weeks of the
training program.

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