Program Variables Several variables may be periodized in order to alter the resistance-training stimulus to achieve the conditioning goal. Different combinations of these variables will create different workouts. * Exercise Order: the sequence in which exercises are performed during a training session (e.g., large muscles before smaller ones and multi-joint exercises performed before single-joint exercises). * Exercise Selection: (e.g., open- and closed-chain exercises, free weights, machines). * Frequency: the number of training sessions performed during a specific period of time. * Intensity: the percent of the maximal functional capacity of the exercise as it relates to strength training. * Load: the amount of weight lifted per repetition or set as it relates to strength training. * Muscle Action: (i.e., concentric, eccentric, and isometric). * Repetition Speed: varying resistive training speed from slow (strength development) to fast (power development) while utilizing the appropriate load. * Rest Periods: the amount of rest taken between sets, exercises, and/or repetitions. * Volume: the total number of repetitions performed during a training session as it relates to strength training.
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