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预览 葛根总黄酮对耐力运动后大鼠糖原恢复的影响 attachment agree shiliangyin 2012-11-2 01651 shiliangyin 2012-11-2 12:38
预览 睾酮、骨骼肌雄激素受体与运动的关系 attachment agree shiliangyin 2012-11-2 01713 shiliangyin 2012-11-2 12:37
预览 高原训练的现状与前景研究 attachment agree shiliangyin 2012-11-2 01777 shiliangyin 2012-11-2 12:35
预览 高氧恢复对低氧训练大鼠骨骼肌SDH和MDH活性的影响 attachment agree shiliangyin 2012-11-2 01764 shiliangyin 2012-11-2 12:34
预览 高压氧配合模拟高住低训对游泳运动员血液指标的影响 attachment agree shiliangyin 2012-10-31 01682 shiliangyin 2012-10-31 12:36
预览 高强度运动对氧化-抗氧化内稳态的提升 attachment agree shiliangyin 2012-10-31 01630 shiliangyin 2012-10-31 12:34
预览 肌酸和运动相关的英文文献 attachment agree jia 2012-10-29 01817 jia 2012-10-29 14:40
预览 基因决定酒量 agree jia 2012-10-27 01787 jia 2012-10-27 16:18
预览 服用甲壳素提高运动能力的展望 attachment agree shiliangyin 2012-10-24 32109 shiliangyin 2012-10-26 12:39
预览 Strength Training Considerations for the Bicycle Motocross Athlete attachment agree jia 2012-10-24 01805 jia 2012-10-24 17:52
预览 Resistance Trainin Programming for Individuals with Hypertension attachment agree jia 2012-10-24 01634 jia 2012-10-24 17:49
预览 对运动员补糖的认识与思考 attachment agree shiliangyin 2012-10-24 01912 shiliangyin 2012-10-24 13:13
预览 对400米运动员速度分配训练的探索 attachment agree shiliangyin 2012-10-21 01751 shiliangyin 2012-10-21 17:30
预览 睡眠不足增加健康风险 agree jia 2012-10-18 01588 jia 2012-10-18 20:32
预览 从运动生理学角度论老年人体育锻炼的意义 attachment agree shiliangyin 2012-10-17 01735 shiliangyin 2012-10-17 23:19
预览 Physiology on a Landscape Scale: Plant-Animal Interactions1 agree shiliangyin 2012-10-16 01531 shiliangyin 2012-10-16 23:32
预览 美打造可实现地球太空两用的机器人外骨骼 agree shiliangyin 2012-10-15 01619 shiliangyin 2012-10-15 13:01
预览 哺乳动物的皮肤也能再生 heatlevel agree jia 2012-9-28 11744 liudyan1654 2012-10-11 03:02
预览 不同训练手段对无氧代谢能力影响的研究 attachment agree shiliangyin 2012-10-10 01629 shiliangyin 2012-10-10 12:49
预览 100米跑高强度运动对心血管的冲击影响 attachment agree shiliangyin 2012-10-8 41672 shiliangyin 2012-10-9 13:37
预览 Biochemistry, physiology, and genetics of GPAT, AGPAT, and lipin enzymes agree shiliangyin 2012-10-5 01607 shiliangyin 2012-10-5 22:06
预览 从运动生理学的角度探析“翻龙泉”活动 attachment agree shiliangyin 2012-10-4 01589 shiliangyin 2012-10-4 13:24
预览 The Biochemistry and Structural Biology of Plant Cell agree shiliangyin 2012-10-3 02025 shiliangyin 2012-10-3 15:03
预览 Active physiology learning in a diverse class agree shiliangyin 2012-10-2 01372 shiliangyin 2012-10-2 15:10
预览 运动和血管内皮功能紊乱 attachment agree jia 2012-9-17 11684 武汉SEOqid 2012-10-2 10:25
预览 力竭性运动后大鼠血清CK活性和心肌组织形态学的动态改变 attachment agree shiliangyin 2012-9-28 11570 保卫钓鱼岛 2012-10-1 12:13
预览 青少年男子赛艇运动员赛前血常规_CK指标分析 attachment agree shiliangyin 2012-9-30 01504 shiliangyin 2012-9-30 12:07
预览 不同训练负荷对运动员血清CK和血尿素的影响 attachment agree shiliangyin 2012-9-29 02777 shiliangyin 2012-9-29 13:57
预览 对男子400米项目一次性大强度课负荷强度的评定 attachment agree shiliangyin 2012-9-29 01564 shiliangyin 2012-9-29 13:56
预览 8周跑台运动对大鼠血清LDH_LA_CK影响的研究 attachment agree shiliangyin 2012-9-28 01590 shiliangyin 2012-9-28 09:02
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