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acsm/aha 体力活动指南

发表于 2012-1-12 21:05:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Adults From the American College of
Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association
William L. Haskell, PhD, FAHA; I-Min Lee, MD, ScD; Russell R. Pate, PhD, FAHA;
Kenneth E. Powell, MD, MPH; Steven N. Blair, PED, FACSM, FAHA;
Barry A. Franklin, PhD, FAHA; Caroline A. Macera, PhD, FACSM;
Gregory W. Heath, DSc, MPH, FAHA; Paul D. Thompson, MD; Adrian Bauman, PhD, MD
Summary—In 1995 the American College of Sports Medicine and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published
national guidelines on Physical Activity and Public Health. The Committee on Exercise and Cardiac Rehabilitation of the
American Heart Association endorsed and supported these recommendations. The purpose of the present report is to update
and clarify the 1995 recommendations on the types and amounts of physical activity needed by healthy adults to improve and
maintain health. Development of this document was by an expert panel of scientists, including physicians, epidemiologists,
exercise scientists, and public health specialists. This panel reviewed advances in pertinent physiologic, epidemiologic, and
clinical scientific data, including primary research articles and reviews published since the original recommendation was
issued in 1995. Issues considered by the panel included new scientific evidence relating physical activity to health, physical
activity recommendations by various organizations in the interim, and communications issues. Key points related to updating
the physical activity recommendation were outlined and writing groups were formed. A draft manuscript was prepared and
circulated for review to the expert panel as well as to outside experts. Comments were integrated into the final recommendation.
Primary Recommendation—To promote and maintain health, all healthy adults aged 18 to 65 yr need moderate-intensity aerobic
(endurance) physical activity for a minimum of 30 min on five days each week or vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity for
a minimum of 20 min on three days each week. [I (A)] Combinations of moderate- and vigorous-intensity activity can be performed
to meet this recommendation. [IIa (B)] For example, a person can meet the recommendation by walking briskly for 30 min twice
during the week and then jogging for 20 min on two other days. Moderate-intensity aerobic activity, which is generally equivalent
to a brisk walk and noticeably accelerates the heart rate, can be accumulated toward the 30-min minimum by performing bouts
each lasting 10 or more minutes. [I (B)] Vigorous-intensity activity is exemplified by jogging, and causes rapid breathing and
a substantial increase in heart rate. In addition, every adult should perform activities that maintain or increase muscular
strength and endurance a minimum of two days each week. [IIa (A)] Because of the dose-response relation between physical
activity and health, persons who wish to further improve their personal fitness, reduce their risk for chronic diseases and
disabilities or prevent unhealthy weight gain may benefit by exceeding the minimum recommended amounts of physical
activity. [I (A)] (Circulation. 2007;116:1081-1093.)
Key Words: benefits  risks  physical activity dose  physical activity intensity
In 1995 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) issued a
public health recommendation that ‘‘Every US adult should accumulate
30 minutes or more of moderate-intensity physical activity
on most, preferably all, days of the week’’ (49). The purpose of the
recommendation was to provide a ‘‘clear, concise, public health
message’’ that would “encourage increased participation in
physical activity” by a largely sedentary US population.
This document was approved by the American College of Sports Medicine on January 5, 2007, and the American Heart Association Science Advisory
and Coordinating Committee on March 24, 2007.
When this document is cited, the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association would appreciate the following citation
format: Haskell WL, Lee I-M, Pate RP, Powell KE, Blair SN, Franklin BA, Macera CA, Heath GW, Thompson PD, Bauman A. Physical activity and
public health: updated recommendation for adults from the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association. Circulation.
This article has been copublished in the August 2007 issue of Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (Med Sci Sports Exer. 2007;39:1423–1434).
Copies: This document is available on the World Wide Web sites of the American College of Sports Medicine (www.acsm.org) and the American Heart
Association (www.americanheart.org). A single reprint is available by calling 800-242-8721 (US only) or writing the American Heart Association, Public
Information, 7272 Greenville Ave, Dallas, TX 75231-4596. Ask for reprint No. 71-0417. To purchase additional reprints, call 843-216-2533 or e-mail
Permissions: Multiple copies, modification, alteration, enhancement, and/or distribution of this document are not permitted without the express
permission of the American College of Sports Medicine or the American Heart Association. Instructions for obtaining permission are located at
http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.jhtml?identifier4431. A link to the “Permission Request Form” appears on the right side of the page.
© 2007 by the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association, Inc.
Circulation is available at http://circ.ahajournals.org DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.107.185649
ACSM/AHA Recommendations
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More than 10 years have passed since this recommendation
was issued. New science has added to our understanding
of the biological mechanisms by which physical
activity provides health benefits and the physical activity
profile (type, intensity, amount) that is associated with
enhanced health and quality of life. The intent of the
original recommendation, however, has not been fully
realized. Physical inactivity remains a pressing public
health issue. Technology and economic incentives tend to
discourage activity, technology by reducing the energy
needed for activities of daily living, and economics by
paying more for sedentary than active work.
In addition, there are people who have not accepted, and
others who have misinterpreted, the original recommendation.
Some people continue to believe that only vigorousintensity
activity will improve health while others believe
that the light activities of their daily lives are sufficient to
promote health (53). Compounding these challenges,
physical activity recommendations have been published in
the interim that could be interpreted to be in conflict with
the 1995 recommendation (4,26,57,71).
Favorable trend data from 1990 to 2004 in the United
States based on the CDC Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance
System indicate that over time fewer men and women
reported no leisure-time physical activity (13). The prevalence
of leisure-time physical inactivity remained fairly
constant through 1996, but more recently has declined in
both genders (Fig. 1). In 2005 23.7% of adults reported no
leisure-time activity (14).
However, there remains a broad range of evidence to
underscore concern that US adults are still not active
enough. For example, data from 2005 indicate that less
than half (49.1%) of U.S. adults met the CDC/ACSM
physical activity recommendation (12). Men were more
likely to meet the recommendation (50.7%) than women
(47.9%). For men and women combined, younger people
were more likely to be active than older people, with the
prevalence of those meeting the recommendation declining
from 59.6% among those 18–24 yr of age to 39.0%
among those 65 years and older (Fig. 2). White, non-
Hispanics (51.1%) were most likely to meet the recommendation
followed by ‘‘other’’ racial or ethnic groups
(46.3%), Hispanics, (44.0%) and African-Americans
(41.8%). Persons with a college degree were the most
likely to meet the recommendation (53.2%) followed by
those with some college education (50.2%), a high school
education (45.9%), and less than high school (37.8%).
Disease outcomes inversely related to regular physical
activity in prospective observational studies include cardiovascular
disease, thromboembolic stroke, hypertension,
type 2 diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, obesity, colon cancer,
breast cancer, anxiety and depression (33). Scientific
evidence continues to accumulate, with more recent efforts
focused on the nature of the relation between physical
activity and health, rather than trying to determine if such a
relation exists (33). This additional evidence includes
compelling new data on women (21,39,40), and more
conclusive evidence on stroke (77), some cancers (69), and
cognitive function (78,83). The primary limitation of much
of the data linking physical activity to morbidity and
mortality due to chronic diseases is that for many conditions
few randomized trials of adequate design have been
conducted. However, this situation is not all that different
from data regarding the relation between some other healthrelated
behaviors and clinical outcomes, such as cigarette
smoking or saturated fat intake and coronary heart disease
(CHD). No adequately designed randomized controlled
study in the general population has shown that stopping
smoking or decreasing saturated fat or trans-fatty acid
FIGURE 1—Prevalence of no reported leisure-time physical activity among U.S. men and women, 1990–2005.
FIGURE 2—Prevalence of U.S. men and women meeting the CDC/
ACSM physical activity recommendations by age, 2005.
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intake significantly decreases CHD mortality yet getting the
public to stop smoking or reduce their intake of saturated fat
or trans-fatty acids are major components of national public
health campaigns (50).
The purpose of this report is to update the 1995 CDC/
ACSM recommendation. The intent is to provide a more
comprehensive and explicit public health recommendation
for adults based upon available evidence of the health
benefits of physical activity.
Expert panel process. In February 2003, an expert
panel was convened and charged with reviewing and
updating the original CDC/ACSM recommendation for
physical activity and public health (49). This panel, which
consisted of physicians, epidemiologists, exercise scientists
and public health experts, reviewed scientific advances
since the publication of the original recommendation, newly
issued recommendations provided by other organizations
and communications issues such as clarity and consistency.
For scientific input, the panel initially relied heavily on
published evidence from a meeting held in 2000 jointly
sponsored by CDC and Health Canada on Dose-Response
Aspects of Physical Activity and Health (33). The conclusion
and consensus statement from this meeting were
based on systematic reviews of the literature. Panel
members also conducted extensive searches of the literature
on physical activity and health to 2006.
In addition to scientific updates, the expert panel
considered issues and advances in understanding roles and
strategies in communication of health messages in the
update and clarification of the prior recommendations. A
second CDC-Health Canada workshop on communicating
physical activity messages was held in 2001 and identified
several key strategies for improving the communication of
physical activity recommendations (59). A different expert
panel developed a recommendation for older adults as a
companion recommendation to that presented in this
article (47). Manuscripts describing the recommendation
for adults generally and for older adults as a companion
were circulated for comments, revised, and edited for
consistency before review and approval by ACSM and
the American Heart Association (AHA). For current
physical activity guidelines directed at school-age youth
the reader is referred to the recent publication by Strong and
colleagues (65).
This recommendation applies to healthy adults between
18 and 65 yr of age, and to persons in this age range with
chronic conditions not related to physical activity (e.g.,
hearing impairment). During pregnancy and the postpartum
period additional precautions may be needed: these
issues have been considered by other expert committees
(3,7). The present preventive recommendation specifies
how adults, by engaging in regular physical activity, can
promote and maintain health, and reduce risk of chronic
disease and premature mortality. A companion recommendation
(47) builds on the information in this paper but
specifically applies to adults aged 65 and over, and adults
aged 50–64 with chronic conditions or physical functional
limitations (e.g., arthritis), that affect movement ability or
physical fitness. The following recommendation reflects a
review of evidence published since the issuance of the
CDC/ACSM recommendation in 1995 and considers key
issues not fully clarified in the original recommendation.
Classification of recommendations (COR) and level of
evidence (LOE) are expressed in American College of
Cardiology/American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) format
as defined in Table 1 and the Methodology Manual for
ACC/AHA Guideline Writing Committees (2).
Aerobic Activity. To promote and maintain health, all
healthy adults aged 18–65 yr need moderate-intensity
aerobic physical activity for a minimum of 30 min on
five days each week or vigorous-intensity aerobic activity
for a minimum of 20 min on three days each week. [I
(A)] Also, combinations of moderate- and vigorousintensity
activity can be performed to meet this
recommendation. [IIa (B)] For example, a person can
meet the recommendation by walking briskly for 30 min
twice during the week and then jogging for 20 min on
two other days. Moderate-intensity aerobic activity, which
is generally equivalent to a brisk walk and noticeably
accelerates the heart rate, can be accumulated toward the
30-min minimum from bouts lasting 10 or more minutes.
TABLE 1. ACC/AHA approach to assigning the classification of recommendations and level of evidence.
Classifications of recommendation (COR) I, II, and III are used to summarize indications (suggested phrases for writing recommendations)
Class I: Conditions for which there is evidence and/or general agreement that a given procedure or treatment is useful and effective (should; is recommended; is indicated;
is useful. effective, beneficial)
Class II: Conditions for which there is conflicting evidence and/or a divergence of opinion about the usefulness/efficacy of a procedure or treatment
IIa: Weight of evidence/opinion is in favor of usefulness/efficacy (is reasonable; can be useful, effective or beneficial; is probably recommended or indicated)
IIb: Usefulness/efficacy is less well established by evidence/opinion (may/might be considered, may/might be reasonable, usefulness/effectiveness is unknown,
unclear/uncertain or not well established)
Class III: Conditions for which there is evidence and/or general agreement that the procedure/treatment is not useful/effective and in some cases may be harmful
(is not recommended; is not indicated; should not; is not useful/effective, beneficial; may be harmful)
Levels of evidence (LOE) for individual class assignments
A: Data derived from multiple randomized clinical trials
B: Data derived from a single randomized trial or from nonrandomized studies
C: Consensus opinion of experts
For details about this classification system see reference (2).
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[I (B)] Vigorous-intensity activity is exemplified by
jogging, and causes rapid breathing and a substantial
increase in heart rate. This recommended amount of
aerobic activity is in addition to routine activities of daily
living of light intensity (e.g., self care, cooking, casual
walking or shopping) or lasting less than 10 min in
duration (e.g., walking around home or office, walking
from the parking lot).
Muscle-Strengthening Activity. To promote and
maintain good health and physical independence, adults
will benefit from performing activities that maintain or
increase muscular strength and endurance for a minimum of
two days each week. [IIa (A)] It is recommended that 8–10
exercises be performed on two or more nonconsecutive days
each week using the major muscle groups. To maximize
strength development, a resistance (weight) should be used
that allows 8–12 repetitions of each exercise resulting in
volitional fatigue. Muscle-strengthening activities include a
progressive weight-training program, weight bearing
calisthenics, stair climbing, and similar resistance exercises
that use the major muscle groups.
Benefits of Greater Amounts of Activity.
Participation in aerobic and muscle-strengthening physical
activities above minimum recommended amounts provides
additional health benefits and results in higher levels of
physical fitness. [I (A)] Many adults, including those who
wish to improve their personal fitness or further reduce their
risk for premature chronic health conditions and mortality
related to physical inactivity, should exceed the minimum
recommended amounts of physical activity (33). In
addition, to further promote and maintain skeletal health,
adults will benefit by engaging in extra weight-bearing
activity and higher-impact activity such as stair-climbing or
jogging, as tolerated. [IIa (B)] To help prevent unhealthy
weight gain, some adults will need to exceed minimum
recommended amounts of physical activity to a point that is
individually effective in achieving energy balance, while
considering their food intake and other factors that affect
body weight. [IIa (B)]
Although fundamentally unchanged from the 1995
recommendation, the updated recommendation is improved
in several ways. First, the recommended frequency for
moderate-intensity physical activity has been clarified. The
1995 document simply specified ‘‘most, preferably all days
per week’’ as the recommended frequency while the new
recommendation identifies five days per week as the
recommended minimum.
Second, vigorous-intensity physical activity has been
explicitly incorporated into the recommendation. To
acknowledge both the preferences of some adults for
vigorous-intensity physical activity and the substantial
science base related to participation in such activity (4),
the recommendation has been clarified to encourage
participation in either moderate- and/or vigorous-intensity
physical activity. Vigorous-intensity physical activity was
implicit in the 1995 recommendation. It is now explicitly an
integral part of the physical activity recommendation.
Third, the updated recommendation now specifies that
moderate- and vigorous-intensity activities are complementary
in the production of health benefits and that a variety of
activities can be combined to meet the recommendation.
This combining of activities is based on the amount
(intensity  duration) of activity performed during the
week and uses the concept of METs (metabolic equivalents)
to assign an intensity value to a specific activity (See Table 1
and section regarding Activity Dose below).
Fourth, the updated recommendation now clearly states
that the recommended amount of aerobic activity (whether
of moderate- or vigorous-intensity) is in addition to routine
activities of daily living which are of light intensity, such as
self care, casual walking or grocery shopping, or less than
10 min of duration such as walking to the parking lot
or taking out the trash. Few activities in contemporary life
are conducted routinely at a moderate intensity for at least
10 min in duration. However, moderate- or vigorousintensity
activities performed as a part of daily life (e.g.,
brisk walking to work, gardening with shovel, carpentry)
performed in bouts of 10 min or more can be counted
towards the recommendation. Although implied, this concept
was not effectively communicated in the original
Fifth, the new recommendation emphasizes the important
fact that physical activity above the recommended minimum
amount provides even greater health benefits. The
point of maximum benefit for most health benefits has not
been established but likely varies with genetic endowment,
age, sex, health status, body composition and other factors.
Exceeding the minimum recommendation further reduces
the risk of inactivity-related chronic disease. Although the
dose-response relation was acknowledged in the 1995
recommendation, this fact is now explicit.
Sixth, although the original recommendation introduced
the concept of accumulating short bouts of physical activity
toward the 30-min goal, there was confusion regarding how
short these episodes could be. For consistency and clarity,
the minimum length of these short bouts is clarified as
being 10 min.
Seventh, muscle-strengthening activities have now been
incorporated into the physical activity recommendation.
Although the 1995 recommendation mentioned the importance
of muscular strength and endurance, it stopped short
of making specific declarations in this area. Available
evidence now allows the integration of muscle strengthening
activities into the core recommendation.
Finally, minor wording changes in the recommendation
have been made to enhance clarity in communications. For
example, the term ‘‘aerobic’’ or endurance has been added
to clarify the type of physical activity being recommended
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and to differentiate it from muscle-strengthening exercises,
which are now part of the core recommendation.
Activity Dose. The term dose is used frequently in
descriptions of physical activity, but it can be interpreted in
several ways—as the total amount of physical activity (i.e.,
total energy expended) or as the intensity, duration, or
frequency of activity. Although many studies have
included a measure of the total amount of physical activity
(which may be used to characterize participants as
‘‘active,’’ ‘‘moderately active,’’ or ‘‘inactive’’ for example),
relatively few observational studies have included details
on the kinds of activity carried out or the duration and
frequency of each bout of activity (36,37). In brief, the
total amount of physical activity is a function of its
intensity, duration and frequency. Accordingly, vigorous
intensity activities (those having 9 6.0 metabolic
equivalents or METs) carried out for a particular duration
and frequency generate greater energy expenditure than
moderate-intensity activities (3.0 to 6.0 METs) of the same
duration and frequency.
Since the 1995 recommendation, several large-scale
prospective observational studies, enrolling thousands to
tens of thousands of persons, have clearly documented a
dose-response relation between physical activity and risk of
cardiovascular disease and premature mortality in men and
women, and in ethnically diverse participants (38,40,48,55,
67,84). These studies include the College Alumni Health
Study (48), the Health Professionals’ Follow-up Study (67),
the Nurses’ Health Study (41), the Women’s Health
Initiative (40), and the Women’s Health Study (37). All
observed significantly lower levels of risk with greater
amounts of physical activity. Readers should note that
the physical activity assessed in these studies was intentional;
(i.e., it was in addition to the usual activities of
daily living).
Very few studies have been conducted to examine the
effects of intensity, duration, or frequency of physical
activity independent of their contribution to the total
amount of physical activity. Based on recent data, there is
some indication that vigorous-intensity activities may have
greater benefit for reducing cardiovascular disease and
premature mortality than moderate-intensity physical activity,
which is independent of their contribution to energy
expenditure (35,61,66). In addition, the results of a single
observational study suggest that duration of activity bouts
does not influence risk after accounting for the total amount
of energy expended (36).
Significantly lower risks of coronary heart disease or
cardiovascular disease have been associated with as little as
2.6–5.0 METIhIwkj1 of walking (approximately 45–75
minutes per week of brisk walking) in the Women’s Health
Initiative (40), 60–90 minIwkj1 of walking in the Women’s
Health Study (38), and 3.9–9.9 METIhIwkj1 of walking
(approximately 60–150 minIwkj1 at a brisk pace) in the
Nurses’ Health Study (39). With higher ‘‘doses’’ of physical
activity, risks for cardiovascular disease have been lower
but the exact magnitude of the additional reduction in risk
remains uncertain.
Thus, a body of evidence has grown since the 1995
recommendation that reaffirms a dose-response relation
between physical activity and health benefits, in particular
the lowering of risk of cardiovascular disease and premature
mortality. That significantly lower risks have been observed
with as little as 45–150 minIwkj1 of brisk walking reinforces
the original 1995 recommendation for Q30 minIdj1
of moderate-intensity activity on most days. Also, it is well
documented that physical activity of longer duration or
higher intensity is associated with additional risk decrements,
but the exact shape of the dose-response curve
remains unclear and may vary depending on health outcome
of interest and the baseline physical activity level of the
population being evaluated.
The 1995 recommendation advocated the accumulation
of physical activity in ‘‘intermittent bouts of physical
activity, as short as 8–10 min, totaling 30 min or more.’’
Since publication of the original recommendation, experimental
research has been conducted evaluating the effects
of increasing physical activity in short bouts on chronic
disease risk factors. As a risk factor, these variables are
typically in the causal pathway of the disease process and
by altering these risk factors in a favorable direction, it is
assumed that increases in physical activity will eventually
reduce risk of adverse clinical outcomes.
Although existing research addressing the accumulation
issue of physical activity in short bouts is less than
complete, a summary of the experimental findings suggests
that moderate-intensity physical activity in shorter bouts
(usually lasting 10 min) that is accumulated toward the
30-min minimum can be as effective as single, longer bouts
in affecting chronic disease risk factors. Cardiorespiratory
fitness (17,28,44,46), lipid/lipoprotein profiles (17,46),
blood pressure (44), fasting plasma insulin (17), postprandial
lipidemia (45) and weight control (28) all appear to be
affected beneficially with intermittent bouts of physical
activity. In several studies the effects of accumulated short
bouts are similar to those seen with continuous bouts of
physical activity lasting Q30 min.
A question raised frequently about physical activity
dose is how various amounts of moderate-and vigorousintensity
aerobic activity that individually are below the
recommended thresholds might be combined to meet the
intent of these recommendations. For example, can two or
three bouts of moderate-intensity physical activity be
combined with two bouts of vigorous-intensity physical
activity to meet recommendations? Existing scientific
literature does not allow a direct answer to this question.
However, the data are strongly suggestive: there is a large
body of evidence from observational studies showing
that higher levels of energy expended—which in a freeliving
population likely derives from a combination of
moderate- and vigorous-intensity activities—are associated
with numerous health benefits (25,36,37,39,40,55,67,78).
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The health benefits of various combinations of moderateand
vigorous-intensity activity have not been sufficiently
examined in observational studies nor investigated using
randomized controlled trials. However, based on health
outcome data from observational studies and an extensive
database on the energy costs of various activities, the
following approach is recommended for determining what
combinations of moderate- and vigorous-intensity activities
meet the dose recommendation.
A shorthand method for estimating energy expenditure
during physical activity is the MET or metabolic equivalent
(1). One MET represents an individual’s energy expenditure
while sitting quietly. An adult walking at 3 mph on a
flat, hard surface is expending about 3.3 METs and while
jogging/running on a similar surface at 5 mph (12 min per
mile pace) is expending approximately 8 METs (see Table 2
for the MET values of selected activities). Thus, if a
man or women walked at 3 mph (moderate-intensity) for
30 min they would accumulate 99 METImin of activity
(3.3 MET  30 min = 99 METImin), but if they jogged
at 5 mph for 20 min they would accumulate 160 METImin
(8 MET  20 min = 160 METImin). So, if a man or women
was to meet the minimum moderate intensity recommendation
by walking for 30 min at 3 mph on 5 days of the week,
they would accumulate about 495 METImin (99  5), or to
meet the minimum vigorous-intensity recommendation by
jogging at 5 mph for 20 min on 3 days they would accumulate
about 480 METImin (160  3). Also, they could meet
the recommendation by walking at 3.0 mph for 30 min on
2 days (3.3 MET  60 min = 198 METImin) and then
jogging at 5 mph for 20 min on 2 other days (8 MET 
40 min = 320 METImin) for a total during the week of
about 518 METImin (320 + 198).
Using METs as an indicator of activity intensity allows
generally healthy adults to accumulate credit for the
various moderate or vigorous intensity activities they
perform during the week. When combining moderate and
vigorous intensity activity to meet the current recommendation,
the minimum goal should be in the range of 450 to
750 METIminIwkj1. These values are based on the MET
range of 3 to 6 for moderate-intensity activity and
150 minIwkj1 (3  150 = 450 and 5  150 = 750).
Individuals should start at the lower end of this range
when beginning an activity program and progress towards
the higher end as they become more fit. Listed in Table 2
are the MET values for a variety of physical activities that
are of light, moderate or vigorous intensity. For a
comprehensive listing of MET values see tabulation by
Ainsworth and colleagues (1) or the following Web site:
http://prevention.sph.sc.edu/tools/compendium.htm. It is
recognized that actual MET values can vary from person
to person depending on a variety of factors (e.g., how they
perform the activity, skill level, body composition), but the
values provided in the compendium are sufficiently accurate
TABLE 2. MET equivalents of common physical activities classified as light, moderate or vigorous intensity.
Light G3.0 METs Moderate 3.0 – 6.0 METs Vigorous 96.0 METs
Walking Walking Walking, jogging & running
Walking slowly around home,
store or office = 2.0*
Walking 3.0 mph = 3.3* Walking at very very brisk pace (4.5 mph) = 6.3*
Walking at very brisk pace (4 mph) = 5.0* Walking/hiking at moderate pace and grade with no or
light pack (G10 lb) = 7.0
Hiking at steep grades and pack 10–42 lb = 7.5–9.0
Jogging at 5 mph = 8.0*
Jogging at 6 mph = 10.0*
Running at 7 mph = 11.5*
Household & occupation
Sitting — using computer work at desk using
light hand tools = 1.5
Cleaning — heavy: washing windows, car,
clean garage = 3.0
Shoveling sand, coal, etc. = 7.0
Standing performing light work such as
making bed, washing dishes, ironing,
preparing food or store clerk = 2.0–2.5
Sweeping floors or carpet, vacuuming,
mopping = 3.0–3.5
Carrying heavy loads such as bricks = 7.5
Carpentry — general = 3.6 Heavy farming such as bailing hay = 8.0
Carrying & stacking wood = 5.5 Shoveling, digging ditches = 8.5
Mowing lawn — walk power mower = 5.5
Leisure time & sports
Arts & crafts, playing cards = 1.5 Badminton — recreational = 4.5 Basketball game = 8.0
Billiards = 2.5 Basketball — shooting around = 4.5 Bicycling — on flat: moderate effort (12–14 mph) = 8.0;
fast (14–16 mph) = 10
Boating — power = 2.5 Bicycling — on flat: light effort (10–12 mph) = 6.0 Skiing cross country — slow (2.5 mph = 7.0;
fast (5.0–7.9 mph) = 9.0
Croquet = 2.5 Dancing — ballroom slow = 3.0;
ballroom fast = 4.5
Soccer — casual = 7.0; competitive = 10.0
Darts = 2.5 Fishing from river bank & walking = 4.0 Swimming — moderate/hard = 8–11†
Fishing — sitting = 2.5 Golf — walking pulling clubs = 4.3 Tennis singles = 8.0
Playing most musical instruments = 2.0–2.5 Sailing boat, wind surfing = 3.0 Volleyball — competitive at gym or beach = 8.0
Swimming leisurely = 6.0†
Table tennis = 4.0
Tennis doubles = 5.0
Volleyball — noncompetitive = 3.0–4.0
Ainsworth, et al. 2000 (1). * On flat, hard surface. † MET values can vary substantially from person to person during swimming as a result of different strokes and skill levels.
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for generally healthy adults age 18–65 yr for the purposes
of this recommendation.
In summary, 30 min of moderate-intensity physical
activity 5 dIwkj1 or 20 min of vigorous-intensity physical
activity on 3 dIwkj1, or a combination of moderate- and
vigorous-intensity activity in the range of 450 to 750
METIminIwkj1 is the minimal amount of activity recommended
to achieve substantial health benefits over and
above the routine light-intensity activities of daily living.
This activity can be accumulated in Q10-min bouts. Larger
amounts of physical activity, including more activity at
higher intensities, provide additional health benefits but the
nature of the relationship (amount versus benefit) likely
varies by health outcome. More generally, the shape of the
dose-response curves, the possible points of maximal
benefit, and the possible benefits from activity bouts shorter
than 10 min remain unclear. Moreover, further investigation
is required to determine how men and women might best
combine bouts of moderate- and vigorous-intensity physical
activity to obtain desired benefits and the relative importance
of various components of physical activity (e.g.,
intensity, frequency, energy expenditure) in achieving
specific outcomes.
Muscular Strength and Endurance. Evidence
supporting the health benefits of activities that increase
muscular strength and endurance in non-elderly
populations has accumulated rapidly in recent years
(10,52). For example, mechanical loading on skeletal
tissue by resistance exercise can effectively stimulate an
increase in bone formation in young adults and slow bone
loss in middle age (75). Presumably, this can result in a
lower risk of osteoporosis, osteopenia and bone fracture. In
addition, recent observational studies have suggested an
inverse association between risk of all-cause mortality and
various components of muscular strength or endurance
(18,32). Although the specific mechanisms for these
associations are not known, one may be the ability of
muscular strengthening activities to promote the
development and maintenance of metabolically active lean
muscle mass, which is particularly important for
enhancing glucose metabolism (27). Resistance training at
least twice per week provides a safe and effective method to
improving muscular strength and endurance by 25% to
100% or more (52). It is recommended that 8–10 exercises
be performed on two or more nonconsecutive days each
week using the major muscles. A resistance (weight) should
be used that results in substantial fatigue after 8–12
repetitions of each exercise. The emerging evidence on
musculoskeletal health benefits (30,52) and the potential
population-wide effects of promoting skeletal health
support the need for a public health recommendation that
includes resistance exercise.
Obesity, Gaining, and Losing Weight. Rapidly
increasing rates of obesity reflect a lack of energy balance
as large numbers of people are consistently expending
fewer calories than they consume. Unfortunately, few
reliable data are available on the relative contributions to
this obesity epidemic by energy intake and energy
expenditure, although both as well as individual variation
are important. While more information is gathered on the
varied causes of obesity, it seems vitally important for
public health efforts to address both energy expenditure and
energy intake.
It is reasonable to assume that persons with relatively
high daily energy expenditures would be less likely to gain
weight over time, compared with those who have low
energy expenditures. So far, data to support this hypothesis
are not particularly compelling (57), but some observational
data indicate that men who report at least 45–60 min of
activity on most days gain less weight than less active men
(16). Furthermore, the specific types and amounts of
activity required to prevent weight gain in the majority of
people have not been well established using prospective
study designs, and it is clear that they cannot be precisely
set without considering individual factors such as energy
intake and genetics. Thus, currently it is best to assume that
the specific amount of physical activity that will help
prevent unhealthy weight gain is a function that differs from
individual to individual, but that in general more activity
increases the probability of success (62).
The only discretionary component of daily energy
expenditure is physical activity, and the replacement of
typically sedentary routines by various kinds of activity is
a common approach to increasing energy expenditure.
For example, walking or bicycling instead of driving a
car for short trips would expend additional calories while
traveling the same distance. Still, despite the intuitive
appeal of the idea that physical activity helps in losing
weight, it appears to produce only modest increments of
weight loss beyond those achieved by dietary measures
and its effects no doubt vary among people (64). A
review of studies where exercise or physical activity was
the sole intervention or was added to caloric restriction
found only modest weight loss resulting from exercise (57).
However, these studies were relatively short term and the
effect of physical activity on weight loss over the long term
remains unclear.
Several observational studies have been conducted on the
role of physical activity in preventing weight regain after an
initial sizable weight loss (34,41,58,76,82). The designs and
methods of these studies have varied, but all focused on
people who had lost 30–50 lb (13.6–22.7 kg) and had not
regained after several years. Studies using self-report of
physical activity and energy expenditure assessed by doubly
labeled water techniques (58,76) generally support the
notion that 60–90 min of moderate-intensity physical
activity/day may be necessary for weight maintenance after
such large weight losses.
In 2005 the US Departments of Health and Human
Services and Agriculture published Dietary Guidelines for
Americans 2005 (71) in which recommendations were
included regarding the profiles of activity that would
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contribute to 1) the protection against selected chronic
diseases (Q30 min of moderate intensity exercise on most
days), 2) prevention of unhealthy weight gain (approximately
60 min of moderate- to vigorous-intensity activity
on most days), and 3) to sustain weight loss in adults who
have lost substantial body weight (participate in at least
60–90 min of moderate-intensity activity daily). See Table 3
for a summary of these recommendations. These weight
gain prevention guidelines come from the Institute of Medicine
Report published in 2002 (26) and are similar to those
published in the International Association for the Study of
Obesity report in 2003 (‘‘it seems likely that moderate
intensity activity of approximately 45 to 60 minutes per
dayI is required to prevent the transition to overweight or
obesity’’ and ‘‘prevention of weight regain in formally
obese individuals requires 60–90 minutes of moderate
intensity or lesser amounts of vigorous intensity activity’’
(57), page 101]). The DHHS guidelines are consistent with
the prior CDC/ACSM guidelines (49) and this update in
that a minimum of 30 minIdj1 of moderate-intensity on
5 dIwkj1 provides meaningful protection against various
chronic diseases, that greater benefit is achieved by activity
of greater duration and/or intensity, and that resistance
exercise should be performed to enhance skeletal muscle
strength and endurance.
Attempting to maintain a healthy weight is influenced
by a complex set of cultural, psychosocial and biological
factors making it is difficult to accurately identify what the
primary cause of obesity is for any individual. One can
argue that people become obese because they consume
more calories than they expend, but this does not tell us
why the imbalance exists or the best way to correct it.
Meaningful physical activity guidelines for the prevention
of unhealthy weight gain or obesity will need to be
effectively integrated with calorie intake guidelines. For
most adults in the US today, consumption of calories is
unimpeded while expenditure of calories via physical
activity is difficult; thus it is unlikely that without some
self restriction of calorie intake or expanded opportunities
and greater encouragement for physical activity many
people will become or continue to be overweight or obese.
Development of such integrated ‘‘calorie balance’’ guidelines
and specific strategies on how to effectively implement
them should be a high priority for physical activity
and nutrition professionals. In the mean time, because of
the documented obesity-independent benefits of regular
physical activity (25,37,40), adults regardless of body size
or shape should be encouraged to meet the moderateintensity,
minimum of 30 minIdj1 on 5 dIwkj1 guideline.
For individuals who achieve this level of activity, but
remain overweight, an increase in their physical activity is a
reasonable component of any strategy to lose weight.
Risk of Physical Activity. Physically active adults
tend to experience a higher incidence of leisure-time and
sport related injuries than their less active counterparts (15).
However, it appears that healthy adults who meet the
present recommendations by performing moderate-intensity
activities have an overall musculoskeletal injury rate that is
not much different than inactive adults (11). More active
men and women have a higher injury rate during sport and
leisure-time activity while inactive adults report more
injuries during nonsport and nonleisure time. A possible
reason for this lower injury incidence during non-leisure
time is the increased fitness levels (endurance, strength,
balance) of the more active adults (23).
Risk of musculoskeletal injuries increases as the
intensity and amount of the activity increases and can be
as high as 55% among men and women involved in
jogging programs (51) and U.S. Army basic training (29).
Thus, while physical activity above the minimal recommendations
results in additional health benefits, the associated
musculoskeletal health risks are increased as well,
possibly negating some of the added benefit. This doseinjury
relation for specific activities is unknown and likely
differs by activity and individual anatomic and behavioral
characteristics (24).
As with musculoskeletal injuries, the risk of sudden
cardiac arrest or myocardial infarction is very low in
generally healthy adults during moderate-intensity activities
(74,79). However, risk of cardiovascular complications
increases transiently during vigorous physical exertion,
especially for persons who have latent or documented
coronary artery disease and are habitually sedentary (9). For
example, Siscovick and associates (60) reported that the
relative risk of cardiac arrest during vigorous exercise
(jogging) compared with that at all other times of the day,
was 56 times greater among men who exercise infrequently
and only 5 times greater among men who exercise
TABLE 3. Physical activity recommendations included in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005 (US Department of Health and Human Services, 2005).
Engage in regular physical activity and reduce sedentary activities to promote health, psychological well-being, and a healthy body weight.
To reduce the risk of chronic disease in adulthood: Engage in at least 30 min of moderate-intensity physical activity, above usual activity at work or home,
on most days of the week.
For most people, greater health benefits can be obtained by engaging in physical activity of more vigorous intensity or longer duration.
To help manage body weight and prevent gradual, unhealthy body weight gain in adulthood: Engage in approximately 60 min of moderate- to vigorous-intensity activity on
most days of the week while not exceeding caloric intake requirements.
To sustain weight loss in adulthood: Participate in at least 60–90 min of daily moderate-intensity physical activity while not exceeding caloric intake requirements. Some
people may need to consult with a healthcare provider before participating in this level of activity.
Achieve physical fitness by including cardiovascular conditioning, stretching exercises for flexibility, and resistance exercises or calisthenics for muscle strength and endurance.
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frequently. Despite the transient increases in the incidence
of sudden death and acute myocardial infarction during
vigorous intensity exercise, (20,43,60,81), it should be
noted that, compared to their sedentary counterparts and
those with low aerobic fitness, physically active or aerobically
fit individuals have a 25% to 50% lower overall risk of
developing cardiovascular disease (54,70,80).
Screening/Clearance. There is controversy regarding
the utility of medical screening procedures such as exercise
testing prior to initiating vigorous exercise programs. The
ACSM recommends symptom-limited exercise testing
before vigorous exercise (960% V˙ O2max) is undertaken by
men Q 45 yr and women Q 55 yr, those with 2 or more
major cardiac risk factors, persons with any signs or
symptoms of coronary artery disease, or those with known
cardiac, pulmonary, or metabolic disease (6). However, few
systematically collected data are available to substantiate
this recommendation. Guidelines developed by the AHA
and the American College of Cardiology underscore this
lack of data (19). Also, a report in 2003 from the AHA
indicated that exercise testing is not necessary for all people
beginning a moderate intensity physical activity program
(68). Moreover, guidelines from the U.S. Preventive
Services Task Force discount the use of exercise test
screening for heart disease in low-risk, asymptomatic adults
(73). These recommendations and the extremely low rate of
cardiovascular complications in asymptomatic persons
while performing moderate-intensity activity (74,79), the
poor predictive value of exercise testing for acute cardiac
events (42), the high costs of mass exercise testing, and the
uncertainties associated with interpreting abnormal
electrocardiographic or cardiac imaging results in persons
with a low pretest risk of coronary artery disease (63),
indicate that it is impractical to use exercise testing to
prevent serious cardiovascular events in all asymptomatic
persons who exercise, especially during activities of
moderate intensity.
Asymptomatic men and women who plan to be physically
active at the minimum levels of moderate-intensity
activity set forth in the present recommendation do not
need to consult with a physician or health care provider
prior to beginning unless they have specific medical questions.
Symptomatic persons or those with any cardiovascular
disease, diabetes, other active chronic disease, or any
medical concern, should consult a physician or health care
provider prior to any substantive increase in physical activity,
particularly vigorous-intensity activity (68).
Promoting Physical Activity. Individually adapted
behavior change is critical to facilitate a physically active
lifestyle (31), but the process involves a multitude of
complex variables, including personal, programmatic,
social, environmental and related factors. To achieve longterm
changes in health-related behaviors, these and medical
factors must be addressed collectively (56). All healthcare
professionals should broaden their advice to patients
beyond the traditional prescriptive program based on
medical clearance and supervision by initially encouraging
them to accumulate moderate-intensity physical activity as
specified in the present recommendation. A wide range of
activities should be identified that meet each person’s
interests, needs, schedule and environment, take into
consideration family, work and social commitments, with
options for inclement weather and travel. Excellent
materials for the education and counseling of clients are
available form the National Institutes of Health (72), ACSM
(5), and AHA (8). As information has increased about the
role that environmental influences play in promoting or
inhibiting physical activity even among the most
motivated persons (31,56), future efforts to promote
physical activity must consider how people interact with
their environment (22). For all health professionals, the
challenge is to leverage their professional credibility to
enroll increasing numbers of participants in physical
activity programs that are designed to overcome barriers
to long-term adherence, using effective behavioral
management and environmental change strategies, so that
many more individuals will realize the benefits provided
by a physically active lifestyle.
Frequent physical activity is an important behavior for
individual and population health. See Table 4. To promote
and maintain health, all healthy adults need to engage in
TABLE 4. Physical activity recommendations for healthy adults aged 18–65 yr—2007.
1. To promote and maintain good health, adults aged 18–65 yr should maintain a physically active lifestyle. I (A)
2. They should perform moderate-intensity aerobic (endurance) physical activity for a minimum of 30 min on five days each week or vigorous-intensity aerobic activity for a
minimum of 20 min on three days each week. I (A)
3. Combinations of moderate- and vigorous-intensity activity can be performed to meet this recommendation. For example, a person can meet the recommendation by walking
briskly for 30 min twice during the week and then jogging for 20 min on two other days. IIa (B)
4. These moderate- or vigorous intensity activities are in addition to the light intensity activities frequently performed during daily life (e.g., self care, washing dishes, using light
tools at a desk) or activities of very short duration (e.g., taking out trash, walking to parking lot at store or office).
5. Moderate-intensity aerobic activity, which is generally equivalent to a brisk walk and noticeably accelerates the heart rate, can be accumulated toward the 30-min minimum
by performing bouts each lasting 10 or more minutes. I (B)
6. Vigorous-intensity activity is exemplified by jogging, and causes rapid breathing and a substantial increase in heart rate.
7. In addition, at least twice each week adults will benefit by performing activities using the major muscles of the body that maintain or increase muscular strength and
endurance. IIa (A)
8. Because of the dose-response relation between physical activity and health, persons who wish to further improve their personal fitness, reduce their risk for chronic diseases
and disabilities, or prevent unhealthy weight gain will likely benefit by exceeding the minimum recommended amount of physical activity. I (A)
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moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity for a minimum
of 30 minIdj1 on 5 dIwkj1 or vigorous-intensity aerobic
activity for a minimum of 20 minIdj1 on 3 dIwkj1. [I (A)]
Combinations of moderate- and vigorous-intensity activity
can be performed to meet these guidelines. [IIa (B)] For
example, a person can meet the recommendation by
walking briskly for 30 min twice during the week and then
jogging for 20 min on two other days. Moderate-intensity
aerobic physical activity, which is generally equivalent to a
brisk walk and noticeably accelerates the heart rate, can be
accumulated toward the 30-min minimum from bouts
lasting 10 or more minutes. [I (B)] Vigorous-intensity
activity is exemplified by jogging, and causes rapid breathing
and a substantial increase in heart rate. This recommended
amount of aerobic activity is in addition to routine
activities of daily living that tend to be of light intensity or
last less than 10 min in duration. In addition, every adult
should perform activities that maintain or increase muscular
strength and endurance a minimum of two days each week.
[IIA (A)] It is recommended that 8–10 exercises be
performed on two or more nonconsecutive days each week
using the major muscles of the body. Such activities
include lifting weights, weight bearing calisthenics or
similar resistance exercises that use the major muscle
groups of the body. Because of the dose-response relation
between physical activity and health, persons who wish to
further improve their personal fitness, reduce their risk for
chronic diseases and disabilities or prevent unhealthy
weight gain may benefit by exceeding the minimum
recommended amounts of physical activity. [I (A)].
Drs. Harold W. Kohl, David M. Buchner and Michael Pratt were
members of the original expert panel and contributed greatly to the
formulation of this manuscript. Drs. Janet E. Fulton, Ralph S.
Paffenbarger, Jr., David R. Brown and Thomas Schmid provided
constructive comments on an earlier version of this manuscript.
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1092 Circulation August 28, 2007
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Writing Group Disclosures
Writing Group Member Employment Research Grant
Other Research
Board Other
William L. Haskell Stanford University None None None None Scientific Advisory
I-Min Lee Brigham &
Medical School
None None None None None None
Russell R. Pate University of
Southern California
National Institutes
of Health†
Centers for Disease
Control and
None None KRAFT Worldwide
Health and Fitness
Kenneth E. Powell Retired None None None None None None
Steven N. Blair University of South
None None None None Jenny Craig†; Matria† Royalties for
Barry A. Franklin Beaumont
Cardiology and
None None None None None None
Caroline A. Macera San Diego State
None None None None None None
Gregory W. Heath University of
None None None None None None
Paul D. Thompson Hartford Hospital None None None None None None
Adrian Bauman University of
Sydney, Australia
None None None None None None
This table represents the relationships of writing group members that may be perceived as actual or reasonably perceived conflicts of interest as reported on the
Disclosure Questionnaire, which all members of the writing group members are required to complete and submit. A relationship is considered to be “significant” if
(a) the person receives $10 000 or more during any 12-month period, or 5% or more of the person’s gross income; or (b) the person owns 5% or more of the voting
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under the preceding definition.

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