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如何通过运动来预防下背痛?(jacky 国内原创)

发表于 2012-2-23 19:22:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



1)要增加屈髋肌群( Iliacus髂肌, Psoas腰大肌, Rectus Femoris股直肌 )和背阔肌的柔韧性。



This is accomplished through the following 4 step process:

INHIBIT (Foam Rolling)

Exercise Description

Foam Roll: IT Band

Lie on your side with the foam roll placed under your hip.  Cross your top leg over the leg on the foam roll and place your foot on the floor.  The leg on the foam roll should be raised off the floor and remain that way during the exercise.  Slowly roll from the hip to the knee, rolling along the outer thigh, slightly in front of the hip and knee, applying prolonged pressure on tender spots for roughly 30 seconds.

Foam Roll: Thoracic Spine

Lie on the floor with the foam roll placed behind your upper back.  Place your arms across your chest.  Raise your hips off the floor and slowly roll back and forth , applying prolonged pressure on tender spots for roughly 30 seconds.

Foam Roll: Latissimus Dorsi

Lie on one side with your arm extended overhead, thumb pointing up toward the ceiling.  Place a foam roll under your armpit.  Slowly move back and forth, and rotate slightly forward and backward, applying prolonged pressure on tender spots for roughly 30 seconds.

LENGTHEN (Static Stretch)

Exercise Description

Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch

Kneel on your back leg, bending your front leg 90-degrees.  Contract your glutes and shift your body forward.  Raise the arm that is on the same side as the knee that is on the ground, stretching to the opposite side until a stretch is felt in the front of your pelvis.  Rotate backwards and hold for 30-seconds.

Kneeling Lat Stretch

Knee in front of a chair with one arm placed on top of the chair, with your thumb pointed up toward the ceiling.  Keep the other hand on the ground.  Lower your hips toward your heels until a stretch is felt alongside the torso and into the lower back.  Hold for 30 seconds.

* When performing static stretching be sure to hold each stretch for a minimum of 20 seconds. Perform 2-3 stretched per side.

ACTIVATE (Strengthening Exercises)

Exercise Description

Ball Bridge

Begin by lying face up on a ball.  Place the ball directly between your shoulder blades, allowing your head to rest on the ball and place your hands on your hips.  Place your feet flat on the floor, shoulder-width apart.  Draw-in your navel and contract your glutes.  Lift your pelvis until your knees and in line with your hips and shoulders.  Hold this position for a few seconds and then lower your pelvis down slowly.

Side: Iso Ab

Lie on your side with your feet and legs placed on top of each other.  Place your forearm on the ground with your elbow located directly under your shoulder.  Draw-in your navel and contract your glutes.  Lift your hips and legs off the ground until your body forms a straight line from head to toe, keeping your weight placed on your forearm and feet.  Hold the top position for a few seconds then slowly lower your body to the ground.
Start with a 5 second hold, repeat 10 times

INTEGRATE (Integration Exercises)

Exercise Description

Ball Squat to Curl to Overhead Press

Hold two dumbbells in your hands, let them hang down at your sides and keep your palms facing in toward your body.  Keep your feet pointed straight ahead and placed shoulder-width apart.  Contract your glutes and perform a three-quarter squat.  Stand, pushing through your heels, and curl the dumbbells to your chest.  Next, press the dumbbells overhead, fully extending both your arms keeping your palms turned away from your body.
Perform 2 sets of 12 reps.

If you follow this integrated process of evaluation to implementation of the 4 step Corrective Exercise Training method, you will be able to dramatically increase the function of your clients who have back pain, while preventing your clients who have the movement compensations associated with low back pain from experiencing set backs in their program.

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