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发表于 2011-11-27 05:19:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
We now know that 70-80% of the people who lose weight gain it all back. That being said,  what are the characteristics of those 20-30% of people who lose weight and maintain the weight lost?.
Why is it hard to maintain the weight lost?Genetics: 70-80% of your weight is determined by your genes. Though calories in and out is thought to be consciously regulated, there is a powerful,  unconscious biological system that tries to maintain your genetically determined weight.
Interestingly,your height is the only heritable trait that is more dominated by your genes than obesity.
So how can you maintain the weight lost?If genetics plays such a big role is obesity,  is it really possible to lose weight and keep it off? To answer this question, The National Registry of Weight Control - the largest prospective study of long-term successful weight loss maintenance- has been tracking people who
  • Lost at least 30 pounds, and
  • Maintained a weight loss of at least 30 pounds for one year or more
So how did the majority of participants maintain the weight lost:
78% eat breakfast every day: Eating breakfast probably helps in preventing having a big meal later in the day or snacking before lunch.
75% weigh themselves at least once a week: This is pretty interesting considering how people are often advised not to check their weight and go by dress sizes. And there is a few more studies to support frequent weighing to catch weight gains before they escalate and make changes to prevent additional weight gain.
62% watch less than 10 hours of TV per week:Most people think this to be pretty straightforward. But most people tend to snack when they watch TV.
This is an example of classical conditioning effect: It holds that stimuli repeatedly presented before or simultaneously with a given behavior will become associated with that behavior. For example, after repeatedly eating salty snacks while watching TV, simply turning on the set may trigger a craving for potato chips.
90% exercise about 1 hour per day:This seems to be one big factor since we know exercise plays a big role in preventing weight regain than in weight loss. The most frequently reported form of activity was walking .
Most continuing to maintain a low calorie, low fat diet: The low fat is understandable considering how hard it is to maintain a high fat diet diet and at the same time keep it low calories. Studies do tend to show people who start with a low carb diet moving towards a moderate carb diet as the study progresses.
LimitationsThe major limitations of the study are:
  • subjects are self selected.
  • Observational study.
  • The subjects themselves report all data.
So we really don’t know which habit contributes the most or if these habits are even really contributing much. You can read more about the study here: National Weight Control Registry

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