ACSM Resistance Weight Training Guidelines
• Perform a minimum of 8 to 10 exercises that train the major muscle groups.
Workouts should not be too long (longer than one hour are associated with
higher drop out rates). Choose more multi-joint, compound exercises which
involve more muscles
• Perform one set of 8 to 12 repetitions to the point of volitional fatigue
• Perform exercises at least 2 days per week. Progress is made during the
recuperation between workouts
• Adhere as closely to the specific exercise techniques (proper technique,
exercise both sides of body, breathe, move your joints through a full range
of motion, move in a controlled manner-don’t let momentum move the weight)
• Use both concentric (shortening) and eccentric (lengthening) actions
• Use both single-joint & multi-joint exercises
• Exercise sequence
1. Large muscle before small muscle group exercises
2. Multi-joint exercises before single-joint exercises
3. Higher intensity before lower intensity exercises
• Training Frequency
1. 2-3 days per week for novice & intermediate training
2. 4-5 days per week for advanced training
• Novice training: 8-12 repetition maximum (RM)
• Intermediate to advanced training
1. 1-12 RM in periodized fashion
2. Eventual emphasis on heavy loading (1-6 RM)
3. At least 3-min rest periods between sets
4. Moderate contraction velocity
5. 1-2 seconds concentric & 1-2 seconds eccentric
• Hypertrophy training
1. 1-12 RM in periodized fashion
2. Emphasis on the 6-12 RM zone
3. Moderate contraction velocity
4. Higher volume, multiple-set programs
• Power Training
1. 2 general loading strategies (strength training and light loads)
2. Light loads (30-60% of 1RM, fast contraction velocity)
3. 2-3 min of rest between sets for multiple sets per exercise
4. Emphasize multiple-joint exercises, especially those involving total body
• Local muscular endurance training
1. Light to moderate loads
2. 40-60% of 1RM
3. High repetitions (>15)
4. Short rest periods (<90 sec)
1. 12-15 reps performed before workout set
2. Approximately 50% of workout weight (10 RM)
3. 30 seconds to 3 minutes rest before workout set
• Benefits of specific warm-up
1. Muscles & joints warmed up with exact mechanics that will be performed
during workout set(s)
2. Muscle & joint is less susceptible to injury
3. Muscle can contract with greater intensity
4. Motor skill & breathing can be rehearsed
• Specific warm-up can be considered more effective for weight training than
General warm-up (Ex. of general warm-up: jumping jacks, aerobic warm-up
• No warm-up set is required for high repetition exercises (Ex. 20-30 or 20-
50 reps on abdominal training). High rep sets are not as intense and serves
as warm-up in itself
Health Benefits associated with Resistance Training
1. Modest improvements in cardiorespiratory fitness
2. Reductions in body fat
3. Modest reductions in blood pressure
4. Reduction in glucose-stimulated plasma insulin concentrations
5. Improvements in blood lipid-lipoprotein profiles
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