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[大众健身] nsca对于青少年力量训练建议

发表于 2012-2-10 07:25:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
NSCA’s Recommendations for Youth Strength training
•All athletes should be taught proper exercise and spotting technique. Exercises should initially be taught with no load to allow proper technique to be learned.
•All training sessions should be supervised by an experienced fitness professional.
•Each child should be physically and emotionally prepared to participate in a strength training program. Also consider the athlete’s maturity level when introducing more advanced exercises.
•Children should have realistic expectations/goals.
•The exercise area should be safe and free from hazards.
•Every exercise session should be preceded by approx  imately five-10 minutes of a general warm-up, followed by several sport specific warm-up exercises performed at a light intensity.
•Equipment should be properly sized for a child.  
•Begin lifting, preferably, with body weight exercis  es. Athletes can also engage in basic machine exercises if they use light loads that allow the athlete to complete 12-15 repetitions.
•The program should progress to ultimately encourage athletes to perform one-three sets of the exercises on two-three non-consecutive days. Each set should consist of six-15 repetitions.
•Never increase the load being lifted by more than five percent for upper body or 10 percent for lower body exercises.
•Competition between children should be discouraged since this may lead to athletes performing maximum lifts.
•Strength training should be stopped at any sign of  injury and the child should be evaluated prior to re-entering the strength program.  
•Never force a child to participate in a resistance-  training program.
•Keep the program fun.

该贴已经同步到 jacky的微博
发表于 2012-2-10 13:23:17 | 显示全部楼层
The program should progress to ultimately encourage athletes to perform one-three sets of the exercises on two-three non-consecutive days. Each set should consist of six-15 repetitions.

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