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Understanding Flexibility

发表于 2012-2-2 17:52:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Flexibility, as noted above, is a general term and one needs to be more specific as to the type of flexibility being discussed. While there are various forms - the basic forms of flexibility are self-myofascial release (applying a 30 second sustained force to be placed upon a tender point in the muscle to create neuro-myofascial inhibition) (1) , static stretching (holding a stretch at end-range or first resistance barrier for 30 seconds), active-isolated stretching (moving into and out of a range of motion and holding the end range no longer than 1-2 seconds), and dynamic stretching (using the strength of a muscle to move a joint through a full range of motion without compensation). For clarification and understanding of NASM's flexibility continuum, the forms of flexibility to be discussed are summarized in Figure 1.

While much of the current research is reserved towards forms of static stretching using an integrated approach, different forms of flexibility can be used to derive added benefit to a training program, regardless of the goal of the program. Each form of flexibility (as listed in Figure 1) has a role in increasing range of motion, helping to prevent injury, and enhancing strength and performance (See Figure 2).

The National Academy of Sports Medicine incorporates flexibility into all integrated training programs and considers flexibility as an overall continuum utilized to improve neuromuscular efficiency (see Figures 2 & 3).

Figure 2

该贴已经同步到 jacky的微博
发表于 2012-2-9 14:43:02 | 显示全部楼层
其中提到的分类似乎和美国体能协会教材上的不一致,主要是教材上有弹性拉伸ballistic strech,而这里有active-isolated streching,是不是一样的东西?感觉有可能,因为教材上的弹性和动态我一直没有区分得很明白。
 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-9 18:41:26 | 显示全部楼层
andreas 发表于 2012-2-9 06:43
其中提到的分类似乎和美国体能协会教材上的不一致,主要是教材上有弹性拉伸ballistic strech ...

发表于 2012-2-10 13:06:40 | 显示全部楼层
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