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[竞技体育] 美国运动医学会关于增肌训练的指南第一部分

发表于 2011-10-14 07:31:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Muscle ActionEvidence statement and recommendation.Evidence category A. Similar to strength training (55,112,131), it is recommended that CON, ECC, and ISOM muscle actions be included for novice, intermediate, and advanced RT.

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Loading and VolumeA variety of styles of training have been shown to increase hypertrophy in men and women (3,49,157,249). In untrained individuals, similar increases in lean body mass have been shown between single- and multiple-set training (175,228), although there is evidence supporting greater hypertrophy enhancement with multiple-set training (231). Many of these studies in previously untrained individuals have demonstrated that general, nonspecific program design is effective for increasing hypertrophy in novice to intermediate individuals. Manipulation of acute program variables to optimize both the mechanical and the metabolic factors (using several loading/volume schemes) appears to be the most effective way to optimize hypertrophy during advanced stages of training. RT programs targeting muscle hypertrophy have used moderate to very high loading, relatively high volume, and short rest intervals (75,157).如果训练目标是尽量使肌肉肥大的话训练应该用中等到大强度重量,大强度,很短的组间休息。 These programs have been shown to induce a greater acute elevation in testosterone and GH than high-load, low-volume programs with long (3 min) rest periods (91,151,152).这样的运动计划会更加刺激睾丸素和生长激素的提高。 Total work, in combination with mechanical loading, has been implicated for both gains in strength and hypertrophy (190). This finding has been supported, in part, by greater hypertrophy associated with high-volume, multiple-set programs compared with low-volume, single-set programs in resistance-trained individuals (149,155,169).大强度、多组数训练有助于增肌。 Traditional RT (high load, low repetition, and long rest periods) has produced significant hypertrophy (96,258); however, it has been suggested that the total work involved with traditional RT alone may not maximize hypertrophy. Goto et al. (91) showed that the addition of one set per exercise (to a conventional RT workout) consisting of light loading for 25-35 repetitions led to increased muscle CSA whereas conventional strength training alone (e.g., multiple sets of 3-5 RM) did not increase muscle CSA. 传统的力量训练模式(如3-5rm的多组数训练)不会增加肌肉的横切面积。The addition of the high-volume sets led to greater acute elevations in GH (91). 增加的大强度训练的组数可以增加急性的生长激素的提高。However, light loading alone may not be sufficient as Campos et al.但是轻重量的训练效果不明显。 (33) have reported that 8 wk of training with two sets of 25-28 RM did not result in Type I or Type II muscle fiber hypertrophy. Thus, it appears that the combination of strength training (emphasizing mechanical loading) and hypertrophy training, that is, moderate loading, high repetitions, short rest intervals, which emphasizes total work (and reliance upon glycolysis and metabolic factors), is most effective for advanced hypertrophy training.

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Evidence statement and recommendation.Evidence category A. For novice and intermediate individuals, it is recommended that moderate loading be used (70-85% of 1 RM) for 8-12 repetitions per set for one to three sets per exercise (3,49,157,175,228,249).
Evidence category C. For advanced training, it is recommended that a loading range of 70-100% of 1 RM be used for 1-12 repetitions per set for three to six sets per exercise in periodized manner such that the majority of training is devoted to 6-12 RM and less training devoted to 1-6 RM loading (149,155,169).

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Exercise Selection and OrderBoth single- and multiple-joint exercises increase hypertrophy, and the complexity of the exercises chosen has been shown to affect the time course of hypertrophy such that multiple-joint exercises require a longer neural adaptive phase than single-joint exercises (37). Less is understood concerning the effect of exercise order on muscle hypertrophy. Although exceptions exist (e.g., using an opposite sequencing strategy to induce higher levels of fatigue), it appears that the recommended exercise sequencing guidelines for strength training apply for increasing muscle hypertrophy.

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Evidence statement and recommendationEvidence category A. It is recommended that single- and multiple-joint free-weight and machine exercises be included in an RT program in novice, intermediate, and advanced individuals (30,157,169,172,178,248-250,274).
Evidence category C. For exercise sequencing, an order similar to strength training is recommended (244,245,256).

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