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[大众健身] 女性力量训练

发表于 2011-10-17 20:54:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Strength Training for WomenStrength training refers to exercise that requires your muscles to exert a force against some form of resistance, such as free weights. Performing strength training exercises 2-3 x a week for 20 minutes yields terrific results.
What are the benefits of strength training?   力量训练有什么好处?
Strength training is the fastest way to improve muscle strength and endurance. The increase in muscle strength and endurance allows a person to perform everyday tasks with less effort and for longer periods of time. Many changes in muscle tissue that are associated with age are caused by disuse. Simply forcing the muscles to work on a regular basis significantly improves their capacity to do work. Resistance training can also improve circulation, coordination, balance, bone and ligament strength.

Is it safe for a woman to participate in strength training?女性进行力量训练安全吗?
Some misconceptions associated with weight training are that women would produce bulging muscles and/or they would seriously injure themselves lifting weights. It is very difficult for a woman to produce large muscles due to the fact that women generally have high levels of the hormone estrogen. 对于女性更难长肌肉的原因是因为她有着更高德雌性激素。The fact is improvements are made in muscle tone, strength and endurance and not necessarily in size. As muscles become toned, the body begins to lose fat tissue and becomes more firm. When it comes to strength training, anything that is considered a healthy practice for men is also healthy for women.
Is it necessary to stretch before and after performing free weight exercises? 有必要在运动前后进行拉伸练习吗?
Yes, stretching before exercise prepares the joints for motion, helps avoid injury and increases the range of motion of the area being stretched. After exercise stretching reduces soreness, helps to prevent muscle cramping and increases the range of motion. When stretching it is important to remember to stretch until you feel a slight tension and hold for 10-20 seconds. Do NOT bounce. Never stretch until it hurts and stay relaxed throughout the stretch. Aerobic exercise and stretching should be performed first followed by resistance training participation. Trained professionals should demonstrate proper form and technique of each exercise before participation is encouraged.
Techniques for Strength Training
  • Proper body alignment is an important component of strength training. When standing, feet should be shoulder width apart with knees slightly bent. Movement should be slow and controlled. At the beginning of lift, use the 4 count system with a pause and then return to starting position.
  • Proper breathing techniques are essential when training. Never hold your breath. Inhale at the beginning of the lift and exhale during the release of each weight.
  • You may sit or stand while participating in resistance training. Never use a resistance that is so heavy that it cannot be lifted at least eight repetitions per set. Heavy resistance can be dangerous and damage the skeletal and joint structures.
  • It is recommended that every set consist of 8 to 12 repetitions per set. As the training effect occurs, achieve an overload initially by increasing the number of repetitions, and then, by increasing the free weights.
  • Limit each workout to one to two sets of these six different exercises. Make sure that all the major muscle groups are included in the training session.
  • Don't over-train. Two strength-training sessions per week are the minimum number to produce positive physiological adaptations.
Below are examples of some strength-training exercises for women
1. SIDE SHOULDER RAISE—for outer portion of the shoulders
  • Start with arms hanging in front of thighs, elbows slightly bent, and palms facing each other
  • Raise both dumbbells outward simultaneously to shoulder heights, keeping elbows slightly bent
  • Lower dumbbells to starting positions and repeat
2. FRONT SHOULDER RAISE—for front portion of the shoulders
  • Begin with arms hanging in front of thighs and palms facing thighs.
  • Raise one dumbbell straight in front of you to shoulder height
  • Lower dumbbell to starting positions and repeat using other arm
  • Alternate arms.
3. UPRIGHT ROW—for shoulders, neck and upper Back
  • Stand with arms hanging in front of thighs, palms facing thighs, and dumbbells close together
  • Keeping palms close to the body, raise dumbbells simultaneously to the chin
  • Lower dumbbells to starting position and repeat
4. BICEPS CURL—for biceps or front of arm
  • Commence the exercise with arms hanging at sides and palms facing away from your body
  • Keeping the elbows close to your sides, curl both dumbbells upward to the shoulders
  • Lower and repeat
  • Stand erect, head up, feet 16 inches apart
  • Hold dumbbell in right hand; raise overhead to arm's length, upper arm close to head
  • Lower dumbbell in semicircular motion behind head until forearm touches biceps
  • Return to starting position and repeat with left arm
  • Inhale down, exhale up
6. ALTERNATED DUMBBELL PRESS—for front and outer deltoids
  • Raise dumbbells to shoulder height, palms and elbows in
  • Press one dumbbell straight up to arm's length
  • Lower to starting position and press other dumbbell up
  • Keep body rigid; do not lean from side to side
  • Do all work with shoulders and arms
  • Inhale up, exhale down

This Exercise page was contributed by Kathleen B.Williamson, MS, RN, C, Coordinator of Cardiopulmonary Fitness and Rehabilitation Services at Capital Health System in Trenton, NJ.

from womensheart website

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