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发表于 2013-12-2 11:32:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
作者  Eri crass
译者 林烁Nathan
他们的研究得出以下各项有趣的结果 :
•    现时的训练会导致能量(power)输入显著地减少。此能量减少和耐力运动的长度是相对的,而较低的强度体能会导致更大的能量流失。能量最易受耐力运动影响的表现变数,比力量和肌肉强大更甚。 
•    力量和肌肉粗壮都会明显地受耐力训练所影响,除非你以非常高强度和间歇形式进行耐力训练。如果每星期进行超过三次耐力训练,而每次进行超过20分鐘,肌肉粗壮是最受影响的。
•  如力量训练和跑步同时进行,会比同时进行踏单车和举重训练更会减少肌肉粗壮和力量。研究者认為原因是,跑步由离心动作构成,而踏单车主要是向心动作。但他们都未能确定跑步会减少力量表现和增加肌肉的独特的生理机制。
.  耐力运动员应该以力量形式的训练计划配以超重的负荷(1RM80%或以上)来进行阻力训练,以增加短期和长期的耐力。进行力量训练并不会影响耐力表现,在同时进行定期耐力训练期间,亦不会產生大量或显著的肌肉粗壮。
.  耐力运动员在进行力量训练后可得益於2A型肌肉纤维的比例增加,这有助於力量发展,从而增加速度。而体能不会受到影响。
Wilson, J., Marin, P., et al. Concurrent Training: a Meta-Analysis Examining Interference of Aerobic and Resistance Exercises. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2012. 26(8), 2293-2307.
Improve your athletic performance and get better results by doing strength and conditioning that will make you stronger and faster. A major error that many athletes make is to do the wrong mode of conditioning for their sport. For example, a hockey or basketball player who does endurance running will only compromise their strength, power, and muscle mass, whereas an endurance runner who avoids strength training will compromise their speed and endurance capacity.

A new review in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research provides tip for how to avoid making programming errors that will keep you or the athletes you coach from reaching their potential. Researchers analyzed all the previous studies that reviewed the effect of concurrent strength and conditioning training on strength, power, hypertrophy, endurance performance, and body fat.

The most interesting results included the following:
•    Body fat percentage decreased the most in both endurance and strength athletes when concurrent strength and high-intensity training were performed. The high-intensity training included near maximal sprints that were repeated in interval fashion with rest in between repetitions.

•    Very high-intensity endurance training in the form of repeated sprints doesn’t lead to a decrease in muscle mass but they do increase metabolic rate after exercise to a degree that corresponds with the intensity of the training. In addition, high-intensity endurance exercise increases the activity of an enzyme that enhances the rate of fat burning.

•    Concurrent training leads to a very significant decrease in power output. The drop in power corresponds to the length of the endurance exercise, and lower intensity conditioning leads to a much greater loss of power. Power is the performance variable that is compromised the MOST by endurance exercise—much more than strength or hypertrophy are.

•    Strength and hypertrophy were also significantly compromised by endurance exercise, unless it was performed at a very high intensity in an interval format. Hypertrophy was most  compromised when the endurance training was performed more than three times a week for more than 20 minutes.

•    Strength training performed concurrently with running produced a greater decrease in hypertrophy and strength than lifting in conjunction with cycling. Researchers suggest this has to do with the eccentric component of running, whereas cycling is principally a concentric exercise. They have not yet identified the distinct physiological mechanism in running that compromises strength performance and muscle gains.

•    Endurance athletes should do resistance training using a strength-type program with heavy loads (80 percent of the 1RM or heavier) in order to increase short- and long-term endurance capacity. Performing strength training WON’T compromise endurance performance or result in significant or even measurable hypertrophy if it is done in conjunction with regular endurance training.

•    Endurance athletes will benefit from strength training by increasing the proportion of type 2A muscle fibers so that they increase the rate of force development and get faster. Conditioning will not be compromised.

Take away the understanding that all athletes will benefit from strength training. High-intensity conditioning is the only kind that should be done by strength and power athletes. The specific programming parameters of conditioning should mimic the demands of the sport. For the general public, best strength, conditioning, and body composition results will come from doing strength training and high-intensity intervals.

Wilson, J., Marin, P., et al. Concurrent Training: a Meta-Analysis Examining Interference of Aerobic and Resistance Exercises. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2012. 26(8), 2293-2307.


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发表于 2014-1-17 16:00:22 | 显示全部楼层
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