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[竞技体育] 深蹲怎么来做?

发表于 2011-11-26 06:51:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
There are number of articles and books advocating how deep you should go in squats, how wide your stance, & how should your foot placement be to isolate or emphasize your different quad & glute muscles. So what’s the truth?
Should I Take a Narrow or Wide Stance in Squats?A recent study compared the EMG activity of 3 different stances: Narrow, Moderate and Wide stance (i.e., 100, 150, & 200% of hip width.)
The study showed that the only difference in EMG activity was in the Gluteus Maximus ( aka your big butt).
A wider stance (200% of hip width) showed greater EMG activity than the other two stance width’s. A previous study showed greater activation of the adductor longus ( aka inner thigh) and gluteus maximus with a wider stance.
How Deep Should I Go in Squats?How deep should you go in squats? Partial, Parallel, and full/deep squat squat was analyzed for the muscle activity.
The only muscle which showed greater activity with depth was Gluteus Maximus. So if you want a tight ass, go deeper (really hope all the girls read that).
Should I Keep My Feet In or Out in Squats?You will always see chicks doing squats with their feet flared out to target their inner thighs. Any benefit of playing with your feet?
A study analysed -10, 0, 10 & 20 degree foot position on quadriceps muscle activity in squats.
And guess what, they didn’t find any difference with different foot placements. So stop playing with your feet in squats.
Most of the above results makes a lot of sense. Your quads (Vastus Lateralis, Intermedialis & Medialis ) have very similar origins, and function as a single muscle group. Unlike your gluteus maximus, having a different stancein squats will not change their length, and in turn change their activity.
  • Shoot for a comfortable stance in squats
  • Take a wider stance & go deeper to emphasize your glutes
  • And note that heavier the weight in squats, greater the muscle activity.

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发表于 2012-1-3 21:05:59 | 显示全部楼层
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